Back To The Future
I’ve decided to resurrect the site after a fairly lengthy hiatus. I can’t even remember when the old Wordpress blog went by the wayside, but it’s quite some time ago. *I just checked, it’s been a few years according to the ol’ reliable of
Anyway, ‘HI!’ again, for those of you who may have happened upon me before, and welcome to anyone else who might be here as a new reader or passive observer. Eye-rollers are also welcome. Even occasional tutters.
Reasons to be (digitally) cheerful.
One of the main reasons for me to slap all this back together is because I’m so done with trying (and failing) to make Facebook or other social platforms actually work for me in a way that’s conducive to either getting things out of my head and on paper or in building positive relationships with new people.
All those social megavendors are just massive digital landfills to me now. I actually rejoined Facebook in a limited capacity because of the pandemic, after swearing off it and going dark. It feels like a mistake being back there. I love the fact I’m reconnected with some folks from my old friend list (although it is heavily curated now). The problems that were apparent a couple of years ago haven’t improved though. It feels even more polarised than ever. It’s almost like people are trapped in there and are trying desperately to keep going while ignoring the rot going on all around them.
I am going to sound incredibly old with all of this - likely because I am, in internet years at least. In those old days of the internet, I have met some truly amazing people. Some have become close friends and the opportunities that were opened up through meeting them changed my life. That’s what I hope to recapture here and hopefully help others find along the way too.